Get protected before 30 June 2024

Anyone currently aged 75 and over, or who will be aged 75 by the 30 June 2024, is able to get the covid-19 vaccine, along with older adult care home residents and people with a weakened immune system aged six months and over.
For the first time, joint bookings can be made for those who use the online booking system or NHS 119 to get their jab. If anyone wants to get their vaccine at the same time as a loved one and they are both eligible and over 18, only one appointment will need to be made.
Depending on the vaccination site, those who have booked a joint appointment may be vaccinated at the same time or may have back-to-back vaccination slots.
Covid-19 can still cause severe illness and hospitalisations in some cases, particularly among those most at risk. The vaccine gives the best protection against the virus and its different variants and helps reduce the risk of serious illness.
Check if you are eligiable and book an appointment today.