Join us for a festive carol service at Norwich Community Hospital

NCH&C is thrilled to bring the joy of song and festive cheer with a special carol service for staff, local residents, patients, and families. Everyone is warmly invited to attend the carol service. Bring your festive spirit, join in the carols, or simply soak up the joyful atmosphere and enjoy the music. This is a perfect opportunity to share a moment of seasonal joy with patients, families, and colleagues. Mince pies and warming drinks will be served.
Join us on Wednesday 18 December at 4pm, in the Mulberry Gardens at Norwich Community Hospital (NCH).
Carolyn Fowler, Director of Nursing and Quality said: “We’re delighted to be bringing back this annual NCH event that had to stop in recent years because of the pandemic. Now we have our wonderful Mulberry Garden we can happily reinstate this community event. We would love for as many people as possible to join us on the 18t h December.”
A big thank-you to the NCH&C Charitable Fund and Unison for generously providing mince pies and warm drinks to keep us toasty as we sing.