The West Norfolk Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service joins NCH&C

We are pleased to share that as of Tuesday 01 October, the West Norfolk Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service, previously provided by BOC Healthcare, transferred to Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C).
Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are designed for people with a diagnosed respiratory condition such as COPD, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung diseases and asthma who are beginning to experience limitations in everyday activities because of breathlessness. Pulmonary rehabilitation concentrates on improving physical fitness, quality of life and confidence for those living with long-term lung disease.
The West Norfolk Service will join our existing Pulmonary Rehab Service, who offer courses in North Norfolk, South Norfolk, and Norwich. The service is run by a multi-disciplinary team including respiratory physiotherapists, respiratory nurses, occupational therapists, and community assistant practitioners.
Existing patients and our Primary Care colleagues will be contacted directly regarding this transfer. NCH&C is working to ensure the impact on patients is minimal and will focus on delivering continuity of care.
If have any questions about the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service at NCH&C, please visit the service page , or contact the team:
T: 01263 710585
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