Willow Therapy Unit takes significant step towards completion

The Willow Therapy Unit took a huge step towards completion on Sunday 3 November, with the delivery of the final five PODs that will form the new unit on the Norwich Community Hospital site.
The combined efforts of staff from NCH&C, Norfolk Constabulary, Thompson Group, MERIT, and Ainscough Crane Hire ensured the smooth management of this complex logistical challenge.
Laura Clear, Deputy CEO & Director of Strategy and Transformation at NCH&C, said: “Yesterday we took delivery of the final PODs that will form the Willow Therapy Unit on the Norwich Community Hospital site. This marks a significant milestone for the project, and our thanks go to Norfolk Constabulary, Thompson Group, MERIT, and Ainscough Crane Hire for their support in coordinating these complex deliveries.
“We will be making final preparations inside the unit over the next few weeks, ready to admit the first patients in December. The first group of patients will be transferred from Birch Unit, which is a temporary ward established in the former Priscilla Bacon Lodge building at Colman Hospital. Opened in April, staff at Birch Unit have been providing the same type of therapy focussed care that patients will receive at the Willow Therapy Unit.
“The 48-bed Willow Therapy Unit will play an important role in the Norfolk and Waveney healthcare system as we enter the winter period. Increasing the number of NHS beds available in Norfolk and Waveney, it will provide support for patients as they move from acute hospitals back into the community. The focus on helping patients get stronger and gain independence during their time at the unit will reduce the risk of hospital readmission.”
Find out more about how the Willow Therapy Unit will support patients to recover faster.