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    Board papers and meetings

    The NCH&C Board meets in public bi-monthly, on the first Wednesday of that month at 09:30

Upcoming Board meetings

Board Meetings can be viewed online using Microsoft Teams. Use the links below and follow the on-screen instructions to join a public Board meeting.

Wed 24 July (Trust Board Meetings in Common) 

Wed 11 September

Wed 13 November

Board papers

Board Papers are available to the public five working days before the Board meet.

If you would like a copy of Board papers from previous meetings that are not listed here, please contact Terry Siedlecki: 01603 697415 or Terry.Siedlecki@nchc.nhs.uk

March 2020

0.0 Public Agenda 25.03.20.pdf [pdf] 475KB

A - Declarations of Interest.pdf [pdf] 343KB

A Patient Voice.pdf [pdf] 32KB

B - Public Minutes 26.02.20.pdf [pdf] 543KB

B Declarations of Interest.pdf [pdf] 46KB

C - Decisions Log.pdf [pdf] 241KB

C Public Session Minutes v0.pdf [pdf] 141KB

D - Matters Arising.pdf [pdf] 252KB

D Public Board Decisions Log 29 July 2015.pdf [pdf] 15KB

E - Chairs Report.pdf [pdf] 243KB

E Public Board Matters arising 26 August 2015.pdf [pdf] 87KB

F - CEO Report.pdf [pdf] 415KB

F Chair Board report August 2015.pdf [pdf] 34KB

G - Partnership Report.pdf [pdf] 546KB

G CEO Board report August 2015.pdf [pdf] 51KB

Glossary of Terms 26 08 15.pdf [pdf] 78KB

H - Integrated Performance Report.pdf [pdf] 3MB

H Quality and Risk Assurance Report.pdf [pdf] 698KB

I - Director of Nursing and Quality report.pdf [pdf] 1MB

I Ops Board Report - August 2015.pdf [pdf] 788KB

J - Quality and Risk report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

J Nursing and Quality Report August 15.pdf [pdf] 114KB

K - Safeguarding report.pdf [pdf] 740KB

K Framework of Quality Assurance 5.8.pdf [pdf] 142KB

L - Finance report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

L M04 Finance Report - Board.pdf [pdf] 1MB

M - Workforce report internet version.pdf [pdf] 3MB

M Board Report Public - August 2015 v03.pdf [pdf] 666KB

N - Gender Pay Gap report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

N chairs report F P August 2015.pdf [pdf] 58KB

O - Finance Cttee FINAL mins 27.01.2020.pdf [pdf] 347KB

O Integrated Performance Report.pdf [pdf] 455KB

Oi - QC minutes 17.02.20.pdf [pdf] 449KB

Oii - Audit Committee minutes FINAL 02.12.19.pdf [pdf] 355KB

P FT Update - Aug 15.pdf [pdf] 36KB

Public Board Annual Rolling Workplan 26.08.pdf [pdf] 77KB

Public Session Trust Board Agenda and Front Sheet 26 August 2015.pdf [pdf] 69KB

Q Well Led Framework.pdf [pdf] 169KB

R TDA web version.pdf [pdf] 298KB

S BAF summary.pdf [pdf] 130KB

seminar programme - Aug 2015.pdf [pdf] 35KB

T REMCO ToR.pdf [pdf] 146KB

U Membership.pdf [pdf] 178KB

V Board Meeting and Committee Dates.pdf [pdf] 96KB

W Finance Cttee mins FINAL - 22.06.pdf [pdf] 97KB

X closed.pdf [pdf] 62KB

z - private summary.pdf [pdf] 290KB

zi - workplan.pdf [pdf] 329KB

zii - staff presentations.pdf [pdf] 177KB

ziii - glossary.pdf [pdf] 440KB